Thursday, October 1, 2020

 After Ramadan

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger,

Allah Subhanhu Wa Ta’ala says (وَلَا تَكُونُوا كَالَّتِي نَقَضَتْ غَزْلَهَا مِن بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ أَنكَاثًا) (16:92)

(And do not be like the one who undoes the thread which she has spun, after it has become Strong), Abdullah bin Kathir and As-Suddi said: “This was a foolish woman in Makkah. Every time she spun thread and made it strong, she would undo it again.” Mujahid, Qatadah and Ibn Zayd said: “This is like the one who breaks a covenant after confirming it.”

In Ramadan, all Muslims compete with each other in good deeds and benevolence. During this blessed month, souls are trained in virtue, they learn to disdain vices, sins and acquire all good attributes. Whoever witnesses this month without gaining any of its rewards is indeed poor. However, what is appalling is to see some of those who were guided to do good deeds and take provisions from virtues during this month hastily destroying what they had built. This is a gross mistake and shameful act in the true sense of the word.

Ramadan has ended but you still have several renewed types for worship. Allah Subhanhu Wa Ta’ala says:  (وَاعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتَّىٰ يَأْتِيَكَ الْيَقِينُ) And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death). (15:99). We should know that the Lord of Ramadan is the Lord of other months and days, and that He is the Lord of all times and places. We should be straight following the laws of Allah until we meet our Lord while He is satisfied with us. Therefore, I do advise myself, my dear brothers and sisters to consider the following acts after Ramadan:

Istighfaar (seeking Allah’s forgiveness)

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 *21* Don’t look at your neighbour & lose hope in your situation. Whatever you want will come to you. Be patient. What’s meant to be will be!

*22* Be in the company of those who build you up & have good intent for you; not the ones who pretend they care but will gossip & backstab you.

*23* Work hard for your Hereafter. Keep a balance with worldly life. You don’t need to shout about it. Let the lives you touched make the noise.

*24* The Almighty does not consider you superior because of your rank or riches. He looks at your heart, level of piety & your closeness to Him.

*25* Are you often suspicious & think ill of others even before verifying? It’s a bad habit disliked by the Almighty. Stay away from negativity!

*26* Don’t underestimate the evil-eye. It’s real. As far as possible, keep your blessings hidden. Be humble. Make the Almighty your focus.

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 *11* We all have ups and downs; days where we struggle more than others. Know that the Almighty is aware & will never let our efforts be wasted.

*12* If you’ve been blessed with wealth, thank the Almighty. But be sure to keep the wealth in your hand & not in your heart. Give to please Him.

*13* Don’t look back with regret on missed opportunities. Allah closed those doors for a reason. May He open doors that always lead us back to Him.

*14* Don’t bring yesterday’s failures into today. Learn from them. Move on. The Almighty has better things in store. Put your full trust in HIM.

*15* Don’t look at material possessions & form your opinion of others. That’s shallow. If you’re worried about it, the problem lies with YOU!

*16* Don’t stress too much over worldly matters. Worrying about the future or regretting the past is a waste of time. Leave it to the Almighty.

*17* The more you give, the more you’ll get back. Even if it’s not money, give your time, words & advice. The Almighty will reward you in greater ways!

*18* Some people just love pushing others down. Don’t worry about them. They are powerless to stop what the Almighty has planned for you.

*19* Be content with what the Almighty has given you. Be grateful for the big, be patient with the little. Ask Him for blessings at all times.

*20* Calamity has its blessings. Embrace it. The Almighty knows. He has seen how it can transform a harsh person into one with the kindest heart.

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*1* Do you sometimes feel like everyone is letting you down? The Almighty puts such people in your life to teach you to depend only on Him.

*2* Don’t react to others when you’re emotional as you’re more likely to misinterpret what they say. It takes a calm, sensible mind to do this.

*3* If you want something done well, do it yourself. Don’t expect others to feel the same way about it. In most cases, you can’t rely on people.

*4* Whether things work out or not, it’s the Almighty’s will. Keep going. Whatever the outcome, there’s a blessing in it. Keep smiling.

*5* Be wary of those who have a whole set of rules for others but follow none of their own rules. They pretend to be what they’re not.

*6* People will say & do things to upset you. That’s just the way it is. As long as you behave with integrity, you’ll be at peace.

*7* Being respectful, kind & polite are often mistaken for flirting. It’s sad because such qualities are becoming uncommon in a stressed world.

*8* Always remember we’re better off than many in this world. Our struggles are small, yet we always complain. Thank the Almighty upon all conditions!

*9* Society will judge you by its own standard. Don’t bother with it. The care you’ve shown, the love you’ve shared; they matter so much more.

*10* You may think it’s impossible to get out of your situation. You’re wrong. The Almighty can make things happen that we couldn’t make happen.

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Do not be deceived by those who would lead a pleasant like by causing damage to you, and eat the good things of this world by causing the good things of your afterlife to disappear. And do not regard your power in this world, but look toward what will be your power when you are captive in the bonds of death, and forced to stand before God Most High in the company of the angels and prophets and apostles, and faces are turned to the Living and Self-subsisting One.


And I, O commander of Believers, though I have not attained by my rigors what prudent men attained before me, yet have not desisted from offering you solicitude and advice, sending you my letter as a doctor causes a beloved friend to drink disagreeable medicine, because he hopes to offer him health and soundness.


And peace be upon thee, O Commander of the Believers, and the mercy of God, and His blessing.”

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 “When that which is within the tombs shall be cast out, and that which is in the breasts exposed.” [Al-Qur’an 100:9], when secrets are made manifest, and “The record leaves nothing, great or small, without numbering it.” [Al-Qur’an 18:49]


And now, Commander of the Believers, you are in leisure, before the dissolution of death and the serving of hope. Therefore, Commander of Believers, do not give judgement among the servants of God according to the usages of pre-Islamic period (bi hukum al-jahiliyyah), and do not travel the way of transgressors with them, and do not put he arrogant in power over the humble, for such will not watch over any believer or the protected religious groups (dhimma), so that you will have to acknowledge your own faults and the faults of others, and bear your own burdens and other burdens too.


Do not be deceived by those who would lead a pleasant like by causing damage to you, and eat the good things of this world by causing the good things of your afterlife to disappear. And do not regard your power in this world, but look toward what will be your power when you are captive in the bonds of death, and forced to stand before God Most High in the company of the angels and prophets and apostles, and faces are turned to the Living and Self-subsisting One.

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 And know, Commander of the Believers, that God has sent down (His prescription for) the legal punishments to chide (people) away from wickedness and immorality. How shall it be, if he who administers them, deserves them? And He sent down (the law of) retaliation to give life to His servants. How will it be if the man who gives them retaliation puts them to death?


Remember, O Commander of the Believers, death and what comes after it, and how few partisans you have there, or aids against it. Therefore make provision for death, and against the greater terror which follows it.


And know, Commander of the Believers, that there is a place for you other than the place where you are now. Your stay there will be long, and your friends will be separated from you. You will be committed to its depths as a completely solitary individual. Therefore, make provision of what you may take with you.

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