Register for free trialsRegister for 3 free trial sessions without obligation by filling out
a simple form. You will receive an email and call from one of our representatives to
determine the days and time for the trial sessions and to answer your questions if you have.
Free trial sessions will allow you to rate the teacher and services and see how it works.
Get the evaluation reportPilot sessions also allow the teacher to assess the level of
recitation. At the end of the sessions, he / she will provide you with a full report on the
evaluation, recommendations, suggestions and study plan. You can also submit a teacher
change request at the end of sessions if it is not up to your expectations.
Regular lessons startIf you want to continue in regular classes, we'll let you choose your
plan (number of classes / week) and a schedule that suits you. We will send you an invoice
according to your chosen plan to enable you to make the payment and you can start
the journey of learning the Quran online.
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