Monday, March 2, 2020

links to rank

links to rank

Sunday, March 1, 2020


As soon as I arrived home I felt a great relief, if that is the right word. I had been unable to return home to Gaza since before the 23 days of bombing of Gaza earlier this year, because of the ongoing siege. I am not sure that the word relief summarizes my intense and conflicting emotions. Mixed feelings of relief, happiness, but also disorientation continued to overwhelm me. Gaza my beautiful home, yes my beautiful home, my beautiful people, who are trying so hard to live. To continue from one day to another. Despite the odds, the hardships, the deaf ears of the world.

<a href="">Learn Quran Online</a>

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<a href="">quran-reading</a>

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Register for free trials

Register for free trialsRegister for 3 free trial sessions without obligation by filling out

a simple form. You will receive an email and call from one of our representatives to 
determine the days and time for the trial sessions and to answer your questions if you have. 
Free trial sessions will allow you to rate the teacher and services and see how it works.

Get the evaluation reportPilot sessions also allow the teacher to assess the level of 
recitation. At the end of the sessions, he / she will provide you with a full report on the 
evaluation, recommendations, suggestions and study plan. You can also submit a teacher 
change request at the end of sessions if it is not up to your expectations.

Regular lessons startIf you want to continue in regular classes, we'll let you choose your 
plan (number of classes / week) and a schedule that suits you. We will send you an invoice 
according to your chosen plan to enable you to make the payment and you can start 
the journey of learning the Quran online.


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Learn Quran Online

Course Offerings
To facilitate more effective learning, IQRA has three main class offerings:
  • Online Arabic classes: With levels from beginners to advanced, these classes focus on learning the language, reading, writing, expression and grammar. Students who take these courses will learn to read, write and speak Arabic to the point of fluency, joining millions of Muslims around the world who study the language of the holy Quran. Online classes allow mastery on your terms and schedule.
  • Online Quran classes: Learn the Quran online with a large focus on Tajweed, courses are structured around proper pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. The holy Quran is more than words on a page and each word has meaning for a Muslim’s life. To learn Tajweed is to learn the laws of creation, which our online Quran tutor force helps students to master.
  • Quran memorization: An instructor works directly with students to memorize parts of the Quran or its entirety. To memorize the Quran is to become a leader of the Islamic community and an inspiration to others. Our online Quran course has helped Muslims join the ranks of the hafiz through steady progression.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Learn Tajweed

Reestablish your aim every time. 

Learning the phonemes of any new dialect is extremely hard for a grown-up. Hence you need a great deal of stamina and self-control to achieve this. Regularly you may get debilitated when in spite of nonstop endeavors you neglect to deliver the correct sound. During these occasions, remind yourself why you're doing this. The Prophet (saws) empowered us consequently in the accompanying hadith:

The person who is capable in the recitation of the Qur'an will be with the good and submissive copyists (heavenly attendants) and he who presents the Qur'an and thinks that it's hard to recount, putting forth a valiant effort to discuss it in the most ideal manner conceivable, will have a twofold prize. [Bukhari and Muslim]

Try not to be hesitant to commit errors 

A considerable lot of us have this idea that it is haram to discuss the Quran in the event that you don't have the foggiest idea of how to do it appropriately. This conviction isn't simply unacceptable, it is in actuality destructive as though it keeps us from recounting the Quran. Allah stated,

So dread Allah as much as you are capable and tune in and obey and spend [in the method for Allah ]; it is better for your selves. What's more, whoever is shielded from the parsimony of his spirit – it is the individuals who will be effective. [64:16]

So don't be frightened to recount Quran regardless of whether you're downright awful at it, in such a case that you don't attempt, how are you going to learn?

Over-worry so as to accomplish the correct pressure 

I had specific challenges in creating the ح ق ع sounds. So what I did from the outset was to placed additional worry in these words toward the start, and once I could deliver the focused on sounds effortlessly, I quit focusing on them. At that point, I could create the right sounds for these letters. Attempt and check whether it works.


Continue rehearsing. You needn't bother with a fixed time and spot to rehearse makhraj and sifaat. Simply take a stab at articulating them at whatever point they come as a top priority – while wandering off in fantasy land, having a break from work, or staring at the TV. Simply take a stab at delivering those sounds, much the same as an infant does. Infant yaks at whatever point he/she feels like, not caring what others think, not getting humiliated, simply appreciating what he/she is doing and learning a language simultaneously.

Tune in and mimic 

Tune in as much as you container of Quranic recitation. For apprentices, it is ideal to choose a moderate dreary recitation, for example, Husayri (rh). Tune in and attempt to rehash after it. You'll see that before long you're getting its hang.

Take each standard each in turn

At the point when you learn one principle of recitation, practice it and get the hang of it first before beginning the following guideline. In the event that you attempt to ace such a large number of rules at one go, quite possibly you'll get overpowered and may even want to surrender. So make it moderate and sure.

Try not to be embarrassed to utilize them in discussion 

When you have figured out how to articulate ayn, don't spare a moment to utilize it whenever you state assalamu 'alaikum. At the point when you learn Ha, state alHamdulillah accurately. Try not to be short of others. Try not to be terrified of accepting recognition, rather let it help you to remember the gift of Allah. Right elocution is a blessing from Allah, and we should utilize it so as to satisfy Him.