Tuesday, July 21, 2020

During this time of caution due of the Covid-19 situation, does the use of alcohol based hand sanitizers invalidate fasting? If not, is it only allowed during these difficult days or is it a general ruling?

as salam alaikum

there is no problem in using alcohol based hand sanitizers and it does not invalidate the fast. This is a general ruling and it is not limited to any particular time-period.

With prayers for your success.

I am sorry to hear you have to go through that. I am sure that is very upsetting.

Well, it is not as if God is going to punish you or send you to hell because your mother is cursing you while she is drunk. However, it isn't healthy to have that kind of negativity directed towards you, so if there is anything you can do to provide a more positive and spiritually/personally uplifting environment around yourself (for instance, listening to Qur'an on headphones), it might help deal with some of the negativity.

Also if possible it might be good

as salam alaikum

there are ahadith stating that the prayer for the one who have consumed wine will not be accepted for forty days. There is no mention in those ahadith that his dhikr or du'a won't be accepted and actually it is said that such practices can accompany Muslims in all circumstances of life.

In the mentioned case, the person should also not forget to do istighfar and ask forgiveness for the sin that he committed. If he sincerely repents and has resolution of not committing the sin anymore,  Allah is certainly All-Forgiving.


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