Tuesday, July 21, 2020

During this time of caution due of the Covid-19 situation, does the use of alcohol based hand sanitizers invalidate fasting? If not, is it only allowed during these difficult days or is it a general ruling?

as salam alaikum

there is no problem in using alcohol based hand sanitizers and it does not invalidate the fast. This is a general ruling and it is not limited to any particular time-period.

With prayers for your success.

I am sorry to hear you have to go through that. I am sure that is very upsetting.

Well, it is not as if God is going to punish you or send you to hell because your mother is cursing you while she is drunk. However, it isn't healthy to have that kind of negativity directed towards you, so if there is anything you can do to provide a more positive and spiritually/personally uplifting environment around yourself (for instance, listening to Qur'an on headphones), it might help deal with some of the negativity.

Also if possible it might be good

as salam alaikum

there are ahadith stating that the prayer for the one who have consumed wine will not be accepted for forty days. There is no mention in those ahadith that his dhikr or du'a won't be accepted and actually it is said that such practices can accompany Muslims in all circumstances of life.

In the mentioned case, the person should also not forget to do istighfar and ask forgiveness for the sin that he committed. If he sincerely repents and has resolution of not committing the sin anymore,  Allah is certainly All-Forgiving.


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Is it a sin to drink alcohol? What is my position if I drink alcohol but still perform Solat five times a day?

Drinking alcohol is a major sin in Islam. Major sins lead to hell fire.

Allah, The Glorious ordered Muslims in Quran to be away from alcohol and called as (Evil from the work of Satan)(5:90).

Prophetic Hadeeth says : The person who drinks alcohol is like an idol worshiper. (Eqaab al-A'maal by Shaikh al-Sadouq).

Our leading scholars stated that denying the prohibition of alcohol is denying a compulsory rule in Islam which amounts to denying Islam as a religion.


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How does one attach their heart to the household of the Prophet (s)? Can I have practical tips other than Duas to achieve it?


Thank you for your question. Other than sending copious blessings on the Prophet (saw) and his family, one of the most important ways of building our relationship with them (as) is to educate ourselves about their stations in the eyes of Allah. This can be achieved through studying the scriptural sources as well as philosophy and theoretical mysticism. Through studying history a person can also gain an appreciation of their actions and efforts in transmitting true Islam to their followers.

May you always be successful


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Tawassul is in fact a form of worshiping Allah and sincere Tawheed, that is why Allah (SWT) ordered the believers to do Tawassul to get forgiveness. In Sura Annisaa' verse 64: (Had they when they did injustice to themselves (committed sins) come to you then seek forgiveness and the messenger prayed for their forgiveness, they would have found Allah accepting repent and Merciful.

Allah (SWT) has ordered the believers to do Tawassul ( Sura 5, verse 35).

Tawassul does not mean worshiping other than Allah ( to be looked at as Shirk by some ignorant Wahabis) but it means seeking the blessings of the most humble servants of Allah to seek from Allah (SWT).

We believe that no wish can be granted through Tawassul but only by Allah (SWT).

In Quran we read in Sura Yousuf when his brothers requested their father (Prophet Yaqoob) to seek forgiveness from Allah for them and he accepted and said: I will seek forgiveness for you. (Sura Yousuf, verse 97). If it was wrong, the prophet Yaqoob should have told them when they did Tawassul through him.


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Sayyed belongs to the family tree of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA), that is why he should respect and act upon the teachings of the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS).

Pious Sayyeds have great rule in history of Muslims in spreading the message of Islam in many countries. Great number of our Maraaji' of Taqleed, leading scholars, authors and teachers are Sayyeds.

Some of the scholars stated that the good deeds of Sayyed will have more reward, while bad deeds from him will cause him more hardship. They mention the Quranic verse 33:30 ( يضاعف لها العذاب ضعفين )as an evidence which states doubling the punishment of the sins if committed by a wife of the Prophet (SAWA). Sayyeds should keep the respect of the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS) in their behavior.

Every Muslim must respect the Sayyeds and help them as far as he can.

The Prophetic Hadeeth states: Love Allah, for His bounties on you, and love me for the love of Allah, and love my Progeny (Ahlul Bayt) for my love.

We have many Hadeethes encouraging Muslims to be kind, co-operative, helpful and respecting Sadaat (Sayyeds) being from the family tree of the Prophet (SAWA).


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5) Some more Suggestions
The Shi'ah community of North America is, al hamdulila-Lah, affluent to take care of its children. And I strongly believe that our organizations, specially the federal, national or umbrella organi­zations, must establish scholarship pro­grams for those who want to pursue ad­vance studies in all fields of knowledge. They should also establish 'awards' for those of our children who show excellence in their academic fields. Even Muslim scholars and scientists should be awarded for their achievements. Such projects already exist among other eth­nic and religious groups. e.g., the Jewish people, who recognise the achievements of their own people. We should we not take pride in our community mem­bers and support them.

If there are organizations which have such programs, then they should be more publicized among- our communities all over North America. I hope the ideas I have thrown around will help in gener­ating discussion and formulating a vision and a view of future, which, I believe is optimistic.

Remember, our Imams have said that if you have to select between wealth and knowledge, go for knowledge: wealth can he stolen but knowledge can never be taken away; wealth decreases with us­age but the more you use your knowl­edge the more you increase in it.

Look at the examples of our Imams: the rulers took away the wealth but they could not take away the knowl­edge which had been bestowed upon them by Allah. In spite of all the bitter­ness between Imam Ali and first caliphs, the second caliph used to approach Imam Ali whenever he could not resolve a legal or Qur'anic problem.

We are in minority in this continent; when political stability and economic prosperity is there, we as immigrants or minorities are acceptable. But no one knows what will happen to the present tolerant environment when the economic indicator goes down or these countries lose their political stability. Look at the anti-immigrant, sentiments in Europe during the last two years. Our wealth may be taken away; but if we have knowledge, no one will be able to deprive us of it. With knowledge, we may regain our wealth; but with wealth, you cannot buy knowledge

We are providing the educational service of Learn quran 
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4) Education at Advanced Level
At the present stage of our settlement, on this continent, we cannot think of the same solution for the advanced level or education as we presented about the basic level of education. Maybe, our fu­ture generations may explore the means and ways of establishing an Islamic uni­versity which our students can study the so-called 'non-religious' sciences not as anti-religious but as part of their 'reli­gious' outlook.
At the moment, however, our efforts should be concentrated on bridging the gap between the 'ulama and the scien­tists on the intellectual and mental lev­els. This may be done in two ways:

a) Short Term
There should be regular inter-action, dialogue and discussion between the ulama and scholars of secular sciences.

b) Long Term
(a) The 'ulama’ should become famil­iar with the modern scientific issues: their information on social, economic, and ethical issues of our time must be up- to-date and correct.
In the old Islamic system, there was no separation between the centers of learning of religious and secular sciences. You could have gone to Baghdad, Hella, Najaf, Ray, Cairo, Fez, Qum or Cordova for seeking of religious as well as scien­tific knowledge. Even now, I personally know of examples among the 'ulama' of Qum who had hired a learned economist from the University of Tehran to visit them on a weekly basis to discuss the most modern and advance economic theories of the time. My own grandfather was an ‘alim and also a tabib.

(b) The Muslim scientists must famil­iar themselves with the basic texts of Is­lam: the Qur'an and sunnah.
The Muslim scientists must become familiar with the Islamic literature related to the areas of their specialization. When the Prophet said, "I am leaving two pre­cious things amongst you: the Book of Allah and my family; as long as you hold to them you will never be led astray," he was not only addressing the ‘ulama': he was leaving these two guides for the en­tire ummah.

Out of six thousand and some verses of the Qur'an, only five hun­dred arc on fiqh, The verses on nature and creation are still waiting explanation by the Muslim scientists. The ahadith on nature and science arc still waiting for explanation at the hands of Muslim sci­entists. Allamah Majlisi has compiled a 110 volumes encyclopaedia of Ahadith known as Biharul Anwar. In this com­pilation, there a complete volume on the verses and ahadith related to the earth and heavens; this particular volume is sub-titled as 'kitabu ‘s-sama" wa 'l ardh" — the book of the heaven and earth.

Small steps have already been taken by some scientists to study the original texts of Islam on scientific issues. The fore-most example is that of Dr. Maurice BuCaille in his Bible, Qur'an Science. Also a group of Canadian science Lists from the University of Toronto were invited in early eighties by a university in Arabia to study embryology in the Quran and hadith. These non-Muslims were aston­ished to see that the Qur'an spoke about issues which have been discovered only recently by the modern science on em­bryology.

My prayers is to see that Muslim sci­entists come up with ground-breaking theories based on the Quran and Ahadith rather than wait for science to discover something and then say that it was men­tioned by the Qur'an 1400 years ago!

We are providing the educational service of Learn quran 
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