Friday, October 9, 2020


A person should maintain his recitation and do much of it. The Righteous Forebears (God Most High be well pleased with them) had different habits regarding the time in which they would finish [the Quran]. Ibn Abl Dawud related from the Righteous Fore- bears (God Most High be well pleased with them) that some of them would finish the Quran once every two months or every month; once every ten nights or every eight; most of them every seven nights; some every six nights, every five, or every four; many every three nights; some every two days, every day and night, twice every day-and-night, twice each day, and eight times [each day] — four by night and four by day. every day: Those who completed the recitation of the Quran every day include ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan, Tamim al-Dari, Sa‘ld ibn Jubayr, Mujahid, al-Shafi‘I, and others.

Three times per day: Those who completed the Quran three times daily include Sulaym ibn ‘Itr (God be pleased with him), the judge of Egypt when Mu‘awiya (God be pleased with him) was the caliph.


Abu Bakr ibn Abi Dawud related that he would complete [the Quran] three times each night, and Abu Bakr al- Kindi relates in his book about the judges of Egypt that he would complete [the Quran] four times in a night. eight times in 24 hours: The righteous Shaykh Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami (God be pleased with him) said, “I heard Shaykh Abu ‘Uthman al-Maghribl say, ‘Ibn al-Katib would complete [the Quran] four times by day and four times by night.’” This is the most that reached us for a single day and a night.

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