Friday, October 9, 2020

 The general rule: The preferred opinion is that [the amount one reads] may vary from person to person. If one finds subtleties and experiences [insight] by way of intricate reflection, then he should limit [himself] to the amount [of reading] in which he obtains a full understanding of what he reads.


This applies to anyone occupied with spreading knowledge or something else important to religion and the general welfare of Muslims: he limits [himself] to that which does not disrupt what he is capable of. Yet if one is not among these, then he should do as much as possible but not to the point of tedium and discontinue his recitation.


LESS THAN THREE DAYS BEING OFFENSIVE: A group of the early generations of scholars disliked the idea of completing [the recitation of the whole Quran] in a single day and night. This is supported by the rigorously authenticated hadith in which ‘Abdallah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘As (God be pleased with them both) stated that the Messenger of God (God bless him and grant him peace) had said, “Whoever reads the Quran in less than three days does not understand [what he recited ).”  (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa’I, and others related it; Tirmidhi said that it is a well-rigorously authenticated hadith)

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